It’s no secret being a mom is hard. Being a mom during a global pandemic is really, really hard. And, it’s really easy to get lost and lose your motivation. But our kids need us, now more than ever. They need us to stay motivated, strong, resilient, and most importantly there for them. It should come as no surprise that the habits we form will determine our successes or failures as a parent. That’s why it’s so important to form good habits so that we can reach our fullest potential (and our kids their fullest potential.)
Whether your goals are to be a better parent, get in better shape, cook healthier dinners, create more free time for yourself, find a rewarding career, or strengthen your relationship with your spouse, you will need to create habits to stay motivated.
Six Habits to Stay Motivated
Practice Self-Care
You know how hard it is to be productive or positive when you’re feeling under the weather. That’s why it’s so important to take charge of your health. Carrying extra weight or that nagging headache not only drags you down but affects energy levels which in turn affects your mood and your productivity.
Create a way to build healthy habits that include more movement and healthier food choices. Don’t make it complicated or stressful! Life is stressful enough. But make a commitment to get more movement and make some healthier food choices.
To get more movement, go for walks or hikes, take an online yoga class, run around the house with your kids, or dance while you clean the house.
To make healthier food choices, just start with one meal per day. Focus on adding more whole foods to your diet and limiting processed foods. Adding more fresh, whole foods to your diet will do more for your health and wellness than just about anything.
Also focus on drinking more fresh, clean water. Proper hydration gives you more energy, helps you feel fuller sooner, and flushes toxins from your body.
Revisit Your Why
We all know how easy it is to START a healthy habit. There’s an initial surge of enthusiasm, energy, and motivation. But that quickly fades. When you remember your “why”, it’s easier to keep going.
First, dig deep on your why. Why do you want to create healthier habits? If it’s to lose weight, WHY do you want to lose weight? If it’s to save more money, WHY do you want to save money? Dig into the juicy details because they are highly motivating.
Write your why down. Put it where you’ll see it every day. Create a vision board. Journal about your why. Do whatever you need to keep it front and center. Your energy follows your thoughts. Keep everything going in the right direction!
Be Proactive
Think ahead and plan. Being proactive instead of reactive is so much more productive and can avoid unnecessary stress.
For example, make lists that keep you not only on task but ahead of the game.
Consider all the things that usually derail you from accomplishing your goals. If you know getting out the door with three kids always takes an extra 20 minutes, always give yourself an extra 20 minutes. I had to learn this one the hard way.
Start With Small, Simple Steps
Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.
If you’re dealing with a big goal, such as some serious weight loss, it’s easy to lose your motivation when it feels like you’re not making progress. Having small goals gives you milestones to celebrate and builds motivation back. These kinds of goals come from small changes, like planning to eat a little differently (cutting sugar for example), or in taking the stairs instead of using the elevator.
Small, daily habits create huge results. For more information on how to do this, read the book The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy.
Find Like-Minded People Who Share Similar Goals
This can be really hard for busy moms, especially in times of social distancing. But please don’t give up. Get creative and find your tribe. If you can’t meet in person, meet online. Finding like-minded people with similar goals can skyrocket your success.
Building a habit of meeting with this group on a regular basis not only keeps you motivated but has the added benefit of cementing relationships with those around you.
If an online group of moms on a mission to create a healthier lifestyle for themselves and their families would help you meet your goals, check out The Modern Moms Guide to Natural Health. This is a private Facebook group run by a Certified Health Coach.
Practice Journaling
Journaling itself is a healthy habit. When you journal about your health goals and habits, they are more likely to come to fruition.
Journaling helps in a few different ways. As previously mentioned, it keeps your goals front and center in your mind. And it also helps by decluttering your mind. When you get the clutter out, you have more space and energy to focus on what is important.
Building good habits is the most effective way to stay on track to reach your goals. The best part? As with any habit, if you do it enough, you’ll wind up acting without thinking, making motivation an automatic part of your life.