Create A Calming Corner in your Classroom or Home


All of us strive to feel a sense of calm throughout our day. In reality, the notion of calm is sometimes out of our grasp. With kids, pets, travel sports, and school activities and obligations, we tend to jump from one activity to the next. However, sometimes it can be helpful to find a place just for ourselves where we can go and recharge. A Calming Corner is a great way to do this!

The idea of creating a calming corner originated a few years ago when we were all home together. There were many times we were overstimulated and just needed a break. We needed a place where we could recharge and find balance again.

Our kids were under six, and we worked together to create a space they could go to when they needed quiet and a break.

Here are some ideas for creating a calming corner for your child:


Have your child choose a place for their calming corner. Maybe it’s a spot by the window with plenty of light. Perhaps it’s a corner in their room with a beanbag. My son chose a space under his bed loft to set up his calming corner.


Encourage your child or class to make it their own. We added lights, fidget toys, books and drawings. My son added a picture of one of his pets. You can also make sensory bottle or breathing wand. (Scroll down to find out how to make a breathing wand).


Talk about the best time when to use the calming corner. Explore feelings when your child or class feels overwhelmed. Show how to use the space to find a sense of calm again.


Books can help get your family or class started on this idea. I wrote a book called Grace Needs Space about a gecko who is overwhelmed and comes up with a solution to add a calming corner in her classroom.

We are learning self-regulation by creating and modeling how to use these spaces. Your student or child will have the tools to use in the future. We would love to see a picture of your calming corner!

How to Create a Calming Wand

  1. Get a pipe cleaner and make a loop at one end.
  2. Choose eight beads to push along the pipe cleaner.
  3. Make a loop at the other end so the beads are secure and can be moved from one side to the other.
  4. Move all beads to one side. As you move a bead, take a slow breath in. As you move the next bead, let your breath out slowly.  Do this with all beads until they are pushed to one side. This is a quick and easy tool to keep in your space and practice deep breathing when a break is needed.

What would you add to a calming corner at your house?

space for kids to calm down

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Melissa Burnett
Melissa Burnett was born in New Jersey but moved to Ohio at the beginning of a school year where she thought her parents forgot her at Kindergarten and spent most of her first day in tears. Since then, she learned to transfer her imagination onto paper and write stories. She taught Title 1 Reading and wrote children’s books before embarking on her journey into parenthood. Melissa is a mother to twin boys and a younger boy who keeps her on her toes. She enjoys Friday stay home movie night with her boys and dreaming up business ideas with her extremely patient and loving husband. When she is not breaking up wrestling matches, Melissa and her husband spend their time working on rental cabins in Hocking Hills. They also enjoy popcorn and coming up with new popcorn flavors. Melissa promises she does not have motherhood figured out, but she does have many funny stories to share and a word of advice “when you go through the car wash with kids…make sure your window lock is on.” Follow her blog: