I Tried to Separate You: A Letter from the Virus


Dear World,

I tried to give you a virus to separate you from each other.

But instead, you found ways to connect through phone calls, letters, and visits six feet away.

I tried to take away birthday parties, proms, graduations, vacations, weddings and special occasions.

But instead, you found ways to celebrate and still feel special. You met online for baby showers. You wrote messages with sidewalk chalk. You decorated your lawn with yard signs. You sent videos. You gave love from afar.

I tried to take away school and activities.

But instead, you found ways to learn at home. Teachers showed the world how hard they work by creating lessons. Some even met their students for virtual lunches. Kids learned life lessons. Siblings grew closer.

I tried to take away your church.

But instead, you prayed even harder than ever before. You lived the words you once only spoke.

I tried to make you selfish.

But instead, you stayed at home for humanity. For people you would never meet.

I tried to take away your self-care and worth.

But instead, you took walks, read books and learned the beauty and peace that can exist while being still.

I tried to take away your freedom.

But instead, you did what needed to be done so eventually life will be restored.

I tried to take away your compassion.

But instead, you delivered meals, checked on neighbors, and put yourself at risk to help others.

I tried to take away a lot.

And maybe I did.

But in other ways, you learned the point of our existence.

It is never just about you.

It is about how we really do need each other.

And that is the truth that no virus can ever take away from you and this world. We can still find our purpose and love we have for one another.

Even six feet away.

visiting relatives during this virus

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Melissa Burnett
Melissa Burnett was born in New Jersey but moved to Ohio at the beginning of a school year where she thought her parents forgot her at Kindergarten and spent most of her first day in tears. Since then, she learned to transfer her imagination onto paper and write stories. She taught Title 1 Reading and wrote children’s books before embarking on her journey into parenthood. Melissa is a mother to twin boys and a younger boy who keeps her on her toes. She enjoys Friday stay home movie night with her boys and dreaming up business ideas with her extremely patient and loving husband. When she is not breaking up wrestling matches, Melissa and her husband spend their time working on rental cabins in Hocking Hills. They also enjoy popcorn and coming up with new popcorn flavors. Melissa promises she does not have motherhood figured out, but she does have many funny stories to share and a word of advice “when you go through the car wash with kids…make sure your window lock is on.” Follow her blog: melissaburnett.com