
Emily Bice grew up in a small, Ohio farming community west of Columbus. It wasn't until she met her college sweetheart and future husband that her mind was opened to living elsewhere. They say love makes you do crazy things which lead Emily and her Texan husband to living in Central America for two years. After much adventure and traveling, she ended up back in Columbus where the real adventure began: motherhood. She is the mom of two young boys and an infant daughter and wife to the ultimate man's man. She's living her dream as a stay at home mom but will be the first to admit that she is far from having it all figured out. Her hardest parenting moments are typically around nap time and bedtime and after particularly rough episodes she can be found online shopping. In a former chapter of life, Emily worked in non-profit raising funds and awareness for important causes. Today, she spends her time playing and snuggling with her three children, traveling to and from her husband's lacrosse company's events and socializing with friends and family. When she has any free time, she usually wastes it trying to figure out what to do.

Sorry, My Family Is Not Flexible!

Yes, we’d love to hang out with you and your family! But there’s just one catch, we have to be home by 6:30 p.m....
imperfect life

Three Things I’m Quitting Now

While doing some introspection recently (read: driving with all three kids buckled in the back seats actually being quiet), I identified some unhealthy patterns...
neighbors as friends

Neighborly Love

When we moved into our house six years ago, one of our biggest questions was “what will our neighbors be like?” Since that time,...

Life After Pregnancy Loss

As I begin, I first want to offer my sincere sympathy to those who know the searing pain of pregnancy loss. It's completely tragic,...
family bond

A Letter to My Oldest Child

To my oldest child, I’ve been thinking and I have something I just have to get off my chest. We’ve never really talked about this...

A Sweet Birthday with Hudsonville Ice Cream

In my family, birthdays are a big deal. My children spend months counting down to their special day building anticipation and creating excitement for...
gluten-free treats

Get Your Gluten-Free Sugar Fix in Columbus

I think it’s safe to say that gluten-free eating is here to stay. Either by choice or due to allergy or intolerance, choosing a...

More Mom, Less Hustle

Mom Hustle. It's a popular hashtag and frequently used term. Doing all the things while also being mom. While yes, sometimes the mom hustle...
roles as a mom

Ten Mom Skills I Never Knew I Had

Can you ever truly be prepared for motherhood? There are no instructions, no guide books and no courses to enroll in to equip us...

Am I Where I Want To Be?

The combination of a New Year and a January birthday always brings me to a place of introspection. I just love the hope that...