It is no secret that we are currently living in challenging unprecedented times. Parents and teachers around the country and the world as a whole are bracing to navigate the hardest school year to date. Thanks to COVID, parents...
Simple Tools for Parents and Teachers Pool-time, nature hikes, playgrounds and vacations fill most children’s summers, if they are lucky as most of us when we were children! So, it would be difficult for them to transition back to school...
I had one goal during my later years of college: to earn a coveted 4.0 mug, a status symbol in my mind. Every term, the school gave out coffee mugs to students who earned a 4.0-grade point average. Every...
Are you looking for a cheap product that will easily help to strengthen your child’s hands? A familiar item that not only helps strengthen fine motor skills but other fundamental skills as well. That item is pipe cleaners. Yes,...

Report Card Freebies

It's hard to believe, but many schools are nearing the end of the first quarter. As an educator, I know how important it is for my daughter to take ownership over her grades, so I'm excited to ooze pride...
People have a lot of opinions surrounding money: how we should spend it, save it, invest it; whether we should give our children allowances or force them to save every monetary gift received. I don't know if there's one...
I savor the moments we enjoy a book together. My twins are getting older and diving into chapter books independently.  I know the times we gather together with the whole family and enjoy good picture books are extra special....
Let's paint a picture. You, a stay-at-home-parent, occasionally find yourself daydreaming about sitting by yourself, drinking a hot (what's that?) beverage, scrolling through your social media feed without a tiny human's hands grabbing at your phone. Your kid isn't quite ready (or old...
Oh, screen time. We have a love/hate relationship with you. Phones and tablets provide the time necessary to do laundry, dishes, or complete a road trip without losing our minds. And it is very similar to watching TV, only more...
Are you squirming in your seat just reading the title of this post? No matter. That's natural. Also, that's probably why the topic is still quite taboo and sits quietly under the radar. Other topics surrounding pregnancy - such...



In + Around Columbus

Guide to the Month of May

It's the month of May! Check out the guide below to find May activities in Columbus! It's going to be a great month with...
dining in an igloo in Columbus

Igloo Dining in Columbus