
No Homework Policy?

Oh, the honeymoon at the beginning of the school year. New backpacks, lunch boxes, smiles, and the excitement of school in the air. The...
Back from his five nights At the band camp I bombarded my teenage son With questions- What did you eat? Was it hot and humid? Did you use the...

Word Vomit

Word Vomit. It's not just a phrase from a popular teen movie, it's an actual disorder. Okay, not really. But it feels that way....
Here's my confession. I am a huge nerd. No, seriously. Nerd. HUGE nerd. If I'm curious about a topic, I can't stop myself from...
For those of you who might know someone who has a child in the NICU, here are some ways you can help from a former NICU...
Looking for something to do on the West Side of Columbus? Pick one from each of these categories and you'll have a full day...

Sometimes I don’t recognize me

Do you ever have one of those moments where you step outside of yourself and look back and go "who is that person?" Those...
As a parent, it is important that our children learn to become independent thinkers and self-reliant in the future. Trust me when I say,...
Is your child going to kindergarten? You may be wondering, where did all that time go? Here is a letter I wrote for my...
Looking directly at the sun during a solar eclipse can permanently damage your vision or cause blindness. In Ohio, we are not in the...



In + Around Columbus

75+ Free Winter Break Activities

Winter break is here! Are you wondering how to fill up the entire two weeks? We have you covered! Here is our list of...