Dear New Mama: I’m writing a letter to you that I’ve read before.  It’s a letter always written by a mom with an older baby or young child.  She realizes, after the fact, that she should have said something encouraging...

I’m Going to Miss Her

By the time you read this I'll be over it. It will be the new normal. But as I write this it's T-minus-two-days until my firstborn starts First Grade. And since our school district (which I love, love, love,...
We're headed into a new season and it's back-to-school time for many of our kids. For kids that grow a size or two every year, that means purchasing a whole new wardrobe! We all know kids can be notoriously...
As a true lover of summertime, I am always seriously sad to see it come to an end. I would rather sweat to death than put on pants any day of the week, so there is always a melancholy...
I never imagined I would have a C-section. For 9 months the possibility didn’t even cross my mind. That was, until about 30 minutes before I was wheeled into the OR after a failed induction. After 12 hours of...

Vagina Dialogues

I was told before I had my own children, that you should use the correct terminology when educating your offspring about their body parts. This knowledge was shared with me from both my pediatrician and a child psychologist. Well, after...
This isn't what I had planned to write about. Not even close. But as I am always reminded by online Myers-Briggs Typology tests (which I retake periodically to see if I've changed from an ENFP into something else, because...
I was sitting at my dentist office waiting for an appointment.  A nice woman in her 50's walked in and took a seat next to me. We exchanged a head nod and I went back to my phone looking...
With everything going on in the world today, I was compelled to write what is currently on my mind and heart. As much as I know to cherish every moment like it's my last, am I truly doing so?...
I have early risers - two of them, in fact. I've come to accept that's who they are and that I created these two amazing creatures who can hop out of bed with smiles on their faces, ready to...



In + Around Columbus

Guide to the Month of May

It's the month of May! Check out the guide below to find May activities in Columbus! It's going to be a great month with...
dining in an igloo in Columbus

Igloo Dining in Columbus