Minutes after my second son was born in January my worst fears came to fruition and we discovered that he required the care and expertise of the nurses and doctors in our local NICU to help him get enough oxygen for...
My church recently held a congregation-wide service day with dozens of opportunities to give back and volunteer around Columbus. I was eager to sign up and bring my husband and 1 and 3-year-old sons along to help. As I...
As the summer heat rolls into Columbus, the annual stories about children trapped in hot cars pop up from seemingly every media news outlet. It’s a nightmare scenario, one that many people assume can never happen to them. Only...
It was Easter afternoon, and as I looked up from talking to my husband to see the neighbor running up my driveway in a panic, I felt the pit in my stomach that it wasn’t because he had good...

Show Him the Love

In my opinion, dads are often the unsung heroes of the parental unit. I’m so grateful for an annual holiday to take the time to pause and reflect on the important role father’s play in the lives of children....
In celebrating dads of all kind this Father’s Day, I want to specifically call out the stay-at-home dads out there. While slowly growing in number, they still face some adversity in going against the idea that the majority of Americans...
Being a parent provides a person with so many feelings and thoughts that really can’t be adequately described. Having a child makes you feel love and compassion you didn’t know was possible. It makes you feel stress and worry...
When you do something often enough, you don't even realize it's not "normal." That's what sports and being active generally have become for my family. Without realizing it, my husband and I have created a culture of movement in...
There seems to be this image of the Stay at Home Mom as a fun-loving, yoga-pant-wearing, dry-shampoo aficionado with not a care in the world, other than the dishes in her sink and maybe a pile or two of...
May is National Foster Care Month. Children enter foster care for many reasons, and with more than 400,000 kids in the system, the need for foster parents is great. I won’t pretend to know all of the facts or...



In + Around Columbus

Guide to the Month of May

It's the month of May! Check out the guide below to find May activities in Columbus! It's going to be a great month with...
dining in an igloo in Columbus

Igloo Dining in Columbus