Here's my confession. I am a huge nerd. No, seriously. Nerd. HUGE nerd. If I'm curious about a topic, I can't stop myself from reading things - books, articles, blogs, magazines, etc that touch upon said topic. And for...
As a parent, it is important that our children learn to become independent thinkers and self-reliant in the future. Trust me when I say, that as much as we hate to see our children grow up, we often wish...
Live in the moment. Cherish these early years. They grow up so fast. It doesn't last long. It doesn't get easier. You'll miss these years when they're gone. Okay, I get it. I know I'm supposed to just soak...
There’s been so much talk lately about civility – particularly in national politics. I remember hearing the elementary school children at the bus stop last fall saying how they couldn’t stand this candidate or that one. Of course, they...
Looking directly at the sun during a solar eclipse can permanently damage your vision or cause blindness. In Ohio, we are not in the "path of totality" and will only have a partial eclipse.  Therefore, there is no safe...
If you're tired of wondering what you're going to have for dinner and then having to cook it, let our partners at Fare & Square come to the dinnertime rescue! A few weeks ago when it was about time to...
After a horrible decision on my part of letting my kids watch Captain Underpants and then the second worst idea, checking out all the Captain Underpants books from the library, potty talk in our house is becoming as prevalent...
Your Trusted Columbus Residential Mover helps you prepare your kids and reduce the stress of your family’s move. Moving is stressful for everyone.  However, moving with a family can be even more so.  You may be concerned about how to...
memorial tattoo

Treasured Tattoos

In 2013 I lost both of my parents during my third pregnancy. My dad, four days after I told him I was pregnant and my mom, 13 days before I gave birth to my daughter. For the past nearly...
It's summer break and I am exhausted. Bone tired. Want-to-curl-up-in-the-fetal-position-at-the-end-of-the-day tired. After nine months of having three measly afternoons to myself all school year (while my big girl was in first grade and my little guy was at preschool),...



In + Around Columbus

Guide to the Month of May

It's the month of May! Check out the guide below to find May activities in Columbus! It's going to be a great month with...
dining in an igloo in Columbus

Igloo Dining in Columbus