Winter in the midwest.  Dry itchy irritated skin.  Can you relate? Invest in your skin.  It's going to represent you for a long time. 1. Stay Hydrated Being well hydrated is so important for many body systems, including skin health.  I know...
I am so excited to get going in this new year and I hope you are too. If you are like most people, you probably made some sort of resolution to get healthy this year. It's a great goal,...
It’s official, Central Ohio has survived its first big snow of the season! Pats on the back to everyone who helped keep streets clear and children sane. As for the latter, I’m looking at you parents. The older I...

Dear Weary Mom, I See You

  Did you rush through that last bedtime story because what you needed was a glass of wine and some reality TV?   Did you serve mac and cheese and chicken nuggets for the 5th night in a row?   Do you get so...

Postpartum Woes: Hair Loss

  This past week was my first back to work after maternity leave. With all the emotion that already comes with leaving your baby to return to the workforce, it seems horribly unfair that this is also the time postpartum...
Age 38 is when I officially began attending more funerals than weddings. In the past two years, I have been to 6 funerals and 0 weddings. Not just funerals of acquaintances: My grandma. One of my best friends. My...
Do you have big plans for 2018? Do your plans involve getting in shape, sticking to a budget, getting out of debt, reading more books, learning a new skill, being a better parent, cooking more healthy meals at home, giving...
I have several nieces and nephews, and the oldest of my nieces are 13 and almost 10. They are in the middle of puberty and “tween” and teen life. They have the awareness of their bodies and their place...
The 2017 March of Dimes Premature Birth Report Card was published on Nov. 1 and someone has to call Ohio's baby ugly. The state has a 10.4 percent preterm birth rate, earning a "D" grade. Even more shocking: Cleveland...
It is commonly known that mold and mildew can cause allergic reactions and asthma attacks. You may also know that basements and crawl spaces are great places for mold and mildew to grow because of the abundant moisture present...



In + Around Columbus

Columbus Farmers’ Markets

It's Farmers' Market season! It’s so important to support our local farms so that they can continue to provide for the communities. Farmers’ Markets...
guide to the month of may

Guide to the Month of May

dining in an igloo in Columbus

Igloo Dining in Columbus