Dear Samantha, I’ll never forget the day Dad and I dropped you off for your first day of kindergarten. My tiny, sweet girl, old enough to be starting kindergarten. It didn’t seem possible, yet there I was, handing over my...
Conveniently located off Hamilton road in Gahanna, Young Chefs Academy teaches your kiddo valuable life skills in a fun, hands-on setting.  At Cooking Camp your kids will learn the basics of cooking and baking, independence, and kitchen safety.  The...

Living by your Priorities

Newborn Stage In the first few moments after our son arrived, I wept huge fat tears of joy, relief, and release.  He was here!  He was healthy!  For a person who likes to plan and prepare for the worst, I...

An Orphaned Mom

I’m young – 37. And I don’t have living parents anymore. I’m an orphan and I, of course, hate it. My friends have parents, why did mine have to die so young? (Commencing pity party…..). The Backstory….. In 2013, my dad...
I recently sat down with, well, myself to ask and answer a few questions about the day-to-day life, thoughts, and motivations of a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM for those of you familiar with the mommy blogging world).  I hope you find...
January was an absolute doozy of a month. One of the toughest I've endured in my seven years as a mom.  Coming off that holiday crash combined with 10 days of everyone having the flu was soooo tough. Truthfully...
New Year's resolutions- I just don’t think they work (for me anyway.) I needed me-time, so I decided to make it happen. I know there is another Mama out there that needs time too. So, here it goes. It...
It's been a privilege to be a part of the Columbus Moms Blog community. I've met so many amazing women (and men!)  and learned many different ways of parenting. It's a gift that I don't take for granted. And...
My church recently held a congregation-wide service day with dozens of opportunities to give back and volunteer around Columbus. I was eager to sign up and bring my husband and 1 and 3-year-old sons along to help. As I...
I’m going to let you in on a little trick I use to avoid cooking during the summer:  Freezer to Grill Recipes!  I take 1-2 hours during naptime and put 12-15 marinated meat recipes into freezer bags. Then later,...



In + Around Columbus

Guide to the Month of May

It's the month of May! Check out the guide below to find May activities in Columbus! It's going to be a great month with...
dining in an igloo in Columbus

Igloo Dining in Columbus