I Am Seven! I am in my middle childhood! Over the younger childhood stage- Woo Hoo! I think this means I can drive soon, right? How about buy a car? I’m really, really good at riding my bike fast....
My kids love our Alexa. There were a solid two months when my three-year-old would say goodbye to Alexa before he said goodbye to me when he left for preschool. Alexa is also who he ran to tell that...
Mom, I hate your disgusting dinners. This is what I hear from my five-year-old daughter EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.    Whether I’m making frozen chicken nuggets and canned green beans or an all organic, gluten-free, plant-based meal (I do both and everything in between),...
books on motherhood

Mommy Must Reads

I know free time, especially time to read, is probably in short supply for you these days. If and when there is time to spare, it always feels like there are a million and one things to do -...
kids helping out

Let Them Help

Cleaning as a Type of Self Care One of my fellow blogger friends recently published a post on How to Introduce Chores into Your Child's Life and allowing your little ones to help around the house. Before I even clicked...
Two years ago, I wrote about what I thought dads really wanted to Father’s Day. While I still like the advice, I think a little differently about Father’s Day these days. I’m not really thinking about wants and gifts....
Guest post by Tim Steele, husband of our contributor Kristin Steele In 2014, I wrote how Father’s Day had changed my life, and how daunting it seemed preparing to raise a child in the new digital age. With this year’s Father’s...
People have a lot of opinions surrounding money: how we should spend it, save it, invest it; whether we should give our children allowances or force them to save every monetary gift received. I don't know if there's one...

More Mom, Less Hustle

Mom Hustle. It's a popular hashtag and frequently used term. Doing all the things while also being mom. While yes, sometimes the mom hustle is required and even necessary for survival, it can make for a tough way to...
With three kids age five and under and a dog, there are plenty of chores to do at home. Dishes, laundry, getting dressed, brushing teeth, feeding the dog, cleaning up toys, making beds, clearing the table, the list goes...



In + Around Columbus

Guide to the Month of May

It's the month of May! Check out the guide below to find May activities in Columbus! It's going to be a great month with...
dining in an igloo in Columbus

Igloo Dining in Columbus