This isn't what I had planned to write about. Not even close. But as I am always reminded by online Myers-Briggs Typology tests (which I retake periodically to see if I've changed from an ENFP into something else, because...
Everything I learned about parenting I learned on the playground. Ok, I shouldn’t say everything, it’s not like I first learned to change a diaper on a teeter-totter but the majority of my discipline and sharing rules have come as...
Can you ever truly be prepared for motherhood? There are no instructions, no guide books and no courses to enroll in to equip us with the skills required to be a mom. Furthermore, there is no job description or...
How are you raising your child to care for creation? Whenever people ask how life as a parent is, I usually say, “Every day feels a bit like an experiment.” What worked yesterday doesn’t work today. What didn’t work last...
Cold and flu season is on the horizon! Prepare now while you feel well for those days when you and/or your family may be under the weather! We've all been there. Your spouse has already left for work and you...
missing loved ones during the holidays

Grief During the Holidays

Christmas is everything to my family. Growing up it was the one day that I felt unapologetic about the gifts received and the joy it brought. Given that Santa brought them, I knew my parents weren't burdened by the...
kids helping out

Let Them Help

Cleaning as a Type of Self Care One of my fellow blogger friends recently published a post on How to Introduce Chores into Your Child's Life and allowing your little ones to help around the house. Before I even clicked...
It is a bittersweet journey down memory lane as I scroll through the pictures on my phone and see our sweet family pet. You, our dear fur baby, were with me before I met my husband, before we had a...
I recently sat down with, well, myself to ask and answer a few questions about the day-to-day life, thoughts, and motivations of a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM for those of you familiar with the mommy blogging world).  I hope you find...
My church recently held a congregation-wide service day with dozens of opportunities to give back and volunteer around Columbus. I was eager to sign up and bring my husband and 1 and 3-year-old sons along to help. As I...



In + Around Columbus

Columbus Farmers’ Markets

It's Farmers' Market season! It’s so important to support our local farms so that they can continue to provide for the communities. Farmers’ Markets...
guide to the month of may

Guide to the Month of May

dining in an igloo in Columbus

Igloo Dining in Columbus